Latest Trends in “Health Beverage” Market

Michael SallustioBlog

This past weekend I attended the East Coast Natural Products Expo in Baltimore. It is the largest trade convention in my industry and is the place to be if you want to learn first-hand what is happening and what is coming around the corner in the natural products world. There were over 1,500 exhibits that attracted over 20,000 industry members like myself from over 80 different countries. It is quite overwhelming even for the veteran of this spectacle that I … Read More

How Important is Organic?

Michael SallustioBlog

This is really a question of perspective and relativity. The short answer is organically grown produce is better for our bodies than conventionally grown produce. This fact is essentially indisputable. The pesticides sprayed on our foods are predominantly toxic chemicals and the jury is still out on the impact of genetically modified organisms (GMO’s), but do you want to wait around for someone to tell you, “Oh, by the way, that GMO food you’ve been consuming for the last 10 … Read More

Maximum Benefit from Minimum Calories

Michael SallustioBlog

This entry is NOT about counting calories. I have never really been a proponent of calorie counting for two reasons: 1) While it is relatively easy to count your calorie intake using calorie counting apps and books, it is very difficult to track calorie output. This is because each of us burns calories at a different rate and even within that some of us burn fat more efficiently than others, whether at rest or during activity. That metabolic rate is … Read More

San Diego-style Fish Tacos

Michael SallustioBlog

          This is one of my favorite summertime meals. It is wonderful combination of cooked and raw, hot and cold, and it’s fairly easy to make. What makes this “San Diego-style” is the tangy, spicy sauce and the slaw. They also typically beer batter and fry the fish in San Diego, but for reasons I shouldn’t have to explain on this site, we’re gonna marinate it and grill it 😉 I recommend serving this dish with a glass of white … Read More

Are Sluggish Bowels Slowing Your Weight Loss?

Michael SallustioBlog

That’s the beauty of a blog. We can talk about really personal and embarrassing issues in the privacy of your own home 😉 So let’s get right into it. Did you know that sluggish bowels are a common contributor to weight gain, as well as to joint pain, gas and bloating, eczema, fatigue, and even colon cancer? Still think your constipation is just an annoyance? In fact, I have had many clients who hit plateaus with their weight loss and … Read More