How many days a week should I be weight training?

Michael SallustioFAQ's

This depends on your goal. If your goal is to decrease body fat, you should do resistance training as often as possible, with a caveat: do not train the same muscle groups on consecutive days. The muscles need at least 48 hours to recover and rebuild between workouts. However, you can work one or more groups of muscles one day and different groups of muscles on the following day. For example, one could work the muscles of the upper body … Read More

Should I be taking nutritional supplements? I hear so much mixed information about them.

Michael SallustioFAQ's

Everyone should be taking a basic multi-vitamin, daily antioxidants, and extra vitamin C. Yes, there is plenty of information out there about why supplements are good for you and why they are bad for you. The most recent wave of media is definitely anti-supplement. The argument here is that you can get all the nutrients you need from whole, natural foods. Ideally, yes, it would be easier and more economical if we could get all we needed by eating the … Read More

What is a good/healthy sugar substitute?

Michael SallustioFAQ's

Protein. But seriously . . . While eating more protein can curb your cravings for sugar, you would be kidding yourself to say it is a good substitute for the sweet taste of sugar. The truth is that most of us need to minimize our desire for that sweet taste altogether. For many people who have been addicted to sugar for years, simply eating something sweet — sugar substitutes included ““ can cause the same harmful metabolic response as sugar … Read More

Which exercise is best for getting rid of the flab around the midsection?

Michael SallustioFAQ's

All of them. What I mean is performing any exercise that requires your body to use energy and burn calories will help you in your effort to trim that midsection. Contrary to popular belief, you cannot spot reduce. In other words, you cannot burn fat from a specific area of your body by performing exercises that target that area of your body (i.e., ab crunches for a flabby midsection). Ab crunches will make your abs stronger and more muscular, but … Read More

I am a female who wants to lose weight but doesn’t want that muscle-bound look. Should I avoid weights?

Michael SallustioFAQ's

No, you should not. In fact, weight training or resistance training is absolutely essential to your losing weight and keeping it off. There are many ways to lose weight or body fat. Generally, making lifestyle changes and improving your state of health will help your body to burn fat. While doing just cardiovascular exercise or aerobic activity or reducing your daily caloric intake (two very popular weight loss methods) may help you to lose weight, they will also deplete your … Read More