This is the second in a three-part series. In the first installment, we took a closer look at the digestive system, its role in maintaining your health, and the importance of digestive enzyme. In this installment, we will examine the role of the billions of bacteria in your gut and what happens when that system gets out of balance – a condition known as dysbiosis. In the third part of the series, we will examine a condition called Leaky Gut … Read More
The Importance Of Proper Digestion – Part I: A Look At Enzymes And Your Digestive System
This is the first in a three-part series on the importance of proper digestion. In this installment, we will take a closer look at the digestive system, its role in maintaining your health, and the importance of digestive enzymes. In the next issue, we will look at a common condition called dysbiosis, which occurs when there is an imbalance in your intestinal bacteria and can lead to conditions such as constipation, candidiasis, and irritable bowel syndrome. The third part of … Read More
Hidden Food Allergies: Are They Making You Fat?
Did you know that the foods you eat every day can cause weight gain? It isn’t commonly known that foods like wheat, corn, and dairy products can easily generate up to thirty-five pounds or more of excess weight, through mechanisms that are not readily understood. The problem is that most Americans are allergic or sensitive to one or more foods and the worse part is that we consume at least one of these foods every day. One of the most … Read More
Common Exercise Myths Dispelled
As much as we have discussed basic exercise tenets and shared our philosophies about these issues in this newsletter and with our clients, we continue to get the same questions and hear the same concerns. I guess some things we hear so many times we give up on even considering the possibility that they aren’t true. Here are our philosophies on four of the most common myths in the exercise field today. Myth #1: The best form of exercise for … Read More
What is Hypnotherapy?
Hypnosis is used for a variety of reasons. Sometimes it is used to release trapped or repressed emotions, or to quit unwanted habits such as overeating or smoking. Some like to use it for entertainment purposes. It can be used for many different reasons. Some hypnotherapists use it to help people eliminate unwanted behavior and create behavior that allows the client to experience a better life — whatever that means to the individual. Hypnosis is the quieting of the conscious … Read More