General Dietary Guidelines for Optimum Health and Weight Management

Michael SallustioArticles

General Dietary Guidelines for Optimum Health and Weight Management

*Keep in mind that the following guidelines are "general" and are not intended to apply to everyone. Each individual is unique and may respond and function differently with respect to certain foods and combinations of foods. For more specific dietary recommendations, consult with your Nutritionist or other qualified health professional.

1. Basically, stay as close as possible to a diet that is 30% Protein, 40% Carbohydrate, and 30% Fat. Adhere to this type of balance for every meal and snack.

2. Protein should come from free-range, organic meats, non-homogenized yogurt (homogenization destroys beneficial bacteria and enzymes and hinders digestion), raw nuts and seeds, and ion-exchanged or cross-flow microfiltered whey protein powders (such as Permalean). Some protein may also be consumed in meal supplement bars, but make sure they are low in sugar (less than 15 grams per serving) and contain no trans fats or artificial sweeteners or additives. The only meal supplement bar we recommend is the Glucobalance Bar from BioGenesis. As an alternative, a Clif Bar is acceptable if eaten with raw nuts or nut butter to balance out the protein and fat.

3. Carbohydrates should come from low-glycemic, organic vegetables and very minimal (one piece per day) fruit. This will promote a more balanced blood sugar and metabolism. Avoid refined grains (all flours), such as most breads (except sprouted grain breads like Ezekiel and Manna brands), crackers, pastas, and cereals. The body typically processes these foods like simple sugars, promoting blood sugar imbalances, slowed absorption of macro and micro nutrients, impaired immune system, and adversely influencing the body’s energy systems. The body can get all of the stored glycogen it needs from vegetables. The body can also make glucose from proteins and fats when glycogen stores are used up.

4. For the same reasons explained above, avoid refined simple sugars.

5. Fats should be obtained from natural protein sources. Essential fats from nuts, seeds and fish should also be consumed daily. Coconut oil and coconut milk are excellent sources of medium chain fatty acids, which are needed for optimal glandular and hormonal function. These fatty acids are also excellent sources of energy. Organic butter is a rich source of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which is essential for the body’s utilization of fats as an energy source. Cook with extra virgin olive oil, organic butter, and coconut oil. Most other oils break down under high heat.

6. Avoid fat-free and low cholesterol foods. These foods typically contain excess sugar and/or artificial sweeteners and additives. Besides, your goal is not to avoid fat. If you avoid fat, your glandular system suffers and over time, your overall health and performance.

7. Drink plenty of water. This means at least 2/3 of an ounce of water for every pound of body weight. Water is your most essential nutrient. Without adequate water, all of your energy systems will be compromised. Dehydration is very common among people who are experiencing health or weight loss challenges. Drink bottled spring water whenever possible. Avoid tap and distilled water. Tap water contains too many pollutants and distilled water leaches essential minerals from the body, including calcium and magnesium which are essential for muscle function. The best way to adhere to this rule is to drink 16 ounces of water upon awakening in the morning and keep a water bottle with you throughout the day. Drink most of your water in between meals. Drinking more than 4-6 ounces of water with meals dilutes digestive enzymes and stomach acid and compromises digestion.

8. Eat small, frequent meals throughout the day. Another way to describe this is “never hungry, never full”. This will keep your blood sugar balanced and optimize your energy systems. Going hungry for more than several minutes at a time signals your body to begin using muscle for energy. Your goal is to maximize lean muscle tissue to optimize fat burning and energy. Eating too large a portion until you feel full creates an excessive burden for the digestive system, resulting in incomplete digestion and absorption of essential nutrients, decreased metabolism, and excess fat stores.

9. Use raw sea salt (preferably Celtic Salt) generously on all foods as an excellent source of essential and trace minerals.