A Balanced Approach to a Pain-Free Back By Michael A. Sallustio, CPFT, CNC Whether your back pain is caused by tired muscles or a herniated disk, it is possible to be pain-free for life by incorporating a simple yet balanced exercise routine into your lifestyle. Too many people fighting back pain have attempted to take on an exercise program only to end up re-injuring their backs or finding little to no long-term relief. The key is striking the proper balance … Read More
Reducing Stress for the Business Professional
Did you know that an estimated 80 percent of disease is stress related? That’s right. Conditions such as high blood pressure, heart disease, asthma, stomach ulcers, insomnia, migraine headaches, eating disorders, some forms of cancer, low back pain, and even the common cold are all stress related. Did you also know that most of the people who are in the beginning stages of these diseases aren’t even aware of the level of stress they are under every day? Most of … Read More
Vitamin D: The Unsung Hero
Vitamin D is critical to all life forms. Most of us are familiar with the role of vitamin D in the regulation of calcium absorption, which is necessary for healthy bones and teeth. However, most people are unaware that vitamin D also aids in the absorption of other minerals essential to good health, such as magnesium for proper muscle function (including the heart) and optimum blood pressure, iron for the production of red blood cells and the utilization of oxygen, … Read More
Essential Fats – Clearing Up The Confusion
Many experts estimate that approximately 80 percent of Americans consume an insufficient quantity of essential fatty acids (EFA’s). As a matter of fact, we here at In Good Health have been concerned about this issue ever since the low-fat craze hit its peak 15 years ago. Fatty acid deficiencies can lead to a variety of serious and degenerative health conditions, including diabetes, depression, irritability, arthritis, obesity or weight gain, eczema (dry skin), allergies, heart disease, stroke, cancer, chronic fatigue, and … Read More
The Importance of Proper Digestion – Part 3: Is Your Gut Leaky?
This is the third in a three-part series. In the first installment, we took a closer look at the digestive system, its role in maintaining your health, and the importance of digestive enzymes. In the second, we examined the role of the billions of bacteria in your gut and what happens when that system gets out of balance – a condition known as dysbiosis. In this part of the series, we will examine a condition called Leaky Gut Syndrome, which … Read More